Hearing Protection

Hearing protection, earmuffs, earplugs and sound level meters
Jaybro is your local supplier of consumables to the civil and construction sectors. This includes a wide range of personal protective equipment or PPE including earmuffs, ear plugs and other hearing protection products.
Disposable earplugs are an easy and affordable solution to keep your workers safe from industrial hearing loss and noise hazards on the job, such as noisy equipment, tools, road plant, machinery and road noise. Disposable ear plugs are available corded or uncorded in individual single use packs. Our earmuffs and ear plugs are SLC80 rated in accordance with Australian / New Zealand Standards, so that you can rest assured you are providing workers with the best protection for your particular work site.
Not sure how noisy your work environment is? We also carry a portable sound level meter to measure noise levels in different industries. This unit logs noise ranging from 35 to 130db. No datalogger or computer link up is required, simply check sound levels on screen.