Emergency Rescue

Emergency Response and Life Saving Equipment, Stretchers and Air Horns
Emergency equipment on the work site is critical. Items such as megaphones, air horns and other emergency response equipment should always be on hand in the event of a 'worst case scenario'.
Jaybro supplies a range of emergency equipment to complement your emergency response plan. Simple folding stretchers along with more robust emergency stretchers such as Stokes litters are available online.
We can also help with water emergency equipment such as life rings and flotation devices including inflatable life vests.
To ensure you have the attention of all workers and the public, whether on water or on land, we can also supply megaphones and air horns for attracting attention.
Jaybro can help with a huge range of workplace safety equipment - contact our friendly team on on 0800 865 292 or email sales@jaybro.co.nz.