Types of disposable respirators

During various aspects of building and construction work on-site, many different tasks can potentially lead to the dangerous inhaling of harmful air and/or dust particles. This means that it is important to invest in a trusty disposable respirator to ensure that you are in the safest possible hands when carrying out your daily tasks.
At Jaybro, we understand this. We also understand that it can be quite tricky navigating which type of disposable respirator is best for you, as there are so many on the market these days.
Therefore, we have pooled together our expertise to help advise you not only on what the different types of disposable respirators are, but also what the advantages and disadvantages are to each so that you can make the most informed decision.
What is a disposable respirator?
A disposable respirator is a mask that covers both your mouth and your nose with elasticated straps that go around your face to tightly seal off the ability of air and/or dust particles to enter your system. It is also a mask that you can easily take off, throw away, and replace after use.
What are the different types of disposable respirator? – There are three main types of disposable respirator, FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3.
FFP1 – This is the disposable respirator that offers the wearer the lowest level of protection against air and/or dust particles. It is typically used in low-risk environments such as in building and construction jobs that just involve non-toxic materials. Materials such as brick and limestone are examples of these.
FFP2 – This is the disposable respirator that gives the wearer a mid-level type of protection. This means that it is used in slightly more serious building and construction environments, where there is the potential of interacting with materials that can emit more harmful particles. This can include working with materials such as lead and granite, as their dust does just this.
FFP3 – This is the disposable respirator that gives its wearer the highest level of protection possible. This means that it is used in the most serious of environments, wherein the user can come into contact with relatively toxic fumes and materials. In a building and construction context, this can include the possibility of particles such as asbestos, or the more general possibility of contact with viruses such as that of coronavirus.
How will I be able to tell the difference between the different types of disposable respirator?
Each of the different types of disposable respirator come with a distinct marking on the side. You must consider these markings, as this tells you the type of hazard that the mask is best suited to protect you from. For example, if your disposable respirator is marked with the letter ‘N’, the mask is best suited to protect you from hazards that do not involve oil, as it is not resistant.
If the disposable respirator is marked by the letter R, this means that the mask can be used in environments where it is likely that you will come into contact with oil, as it is made from an oil-resistant material. You may also see a disposable respirator marked by the letter P. This means that the mask that you have selected is oil proof.
In addition to this, alongside the letter marking, there will also be a number. This number indicates to you just how effective the disposable respirator is in terms of the percentage level of protection, as there is no 100% guarantee. For example, if it is marked by the number 99, the mask is almost guaranteed to filter out around 99% of the air particles present. It is always important to ensure that when wearing the mask, that it is tightly sealed. If not, these levels of protection will not be guaranteed.
Jaybro disposable respirators
At Jaybro, we supply a range of ProChoice Maxi Mask Half Face Respirators and attachments that differ according to the specific building and construction environment that you are working inside.
For example, we offer specially comprised bundles according to chemical filtration needs, spraying filtration needs, or just a more general handy pack. Not only this, but we also offer an effective range of different half, full or disposable respirators that are sold separately from the corresponding filtration packs (if necessary for your chosen mask).
For more information on the different types of disposable respirators, contact our friendly and professional team at Jaybro today.