Funding for regional NSW local councils and community projects

What is your team building for the community?
The Restart NSW Local and Community Infrastructure Projects program ensures that funds are allocated fairly across both metro and regional NSW for a range of different projects. The NSW Government originally established the program back in 2011 to enable the funding and delivery of high-priority infrastructure projects that improve the state’s economic growth and productivity. Despite the knock-on effects of COVID-19 on the construction and infrastructure sector, the Restart NSW fund coffers remain full, with the Government making a commitment in the 2020-21 budget to invest 30% of the $35.3 billion Restart NSW Fund on regional infrastructure over the life of the fund. This is in addition to other regional growth initiatives that are supported in the most recent budget. Projects funded from the Restart NSW Fund include a mixture of NSW Government-led infrastructure projects, as well as local and community infrastructure projects being delivered by local government and non-government organisations. Whilst funding for metro areas generally includes major public transport projects, road, rail and bridge upgrades, hospital and school upgrades, and a range of tourism improvement projects, there are also significant funds allocated to smaller community projects in regional NSW.
Regional NSW areas that have received funding
Areas seeing significant projects under construction include the central west, with 142 projects listed and a little under $300M earmarked for their successful completion. The Riverina and Murray region is also seeing significant activity with over $150 million and 92 projects on the board. Other regions supported in this project include the Far West of NSW, New England, Hunter, North West, Illawarra and Central Coast. The funding for local and community infrastructure projects centres around a handful of key areas, including fixing country roads, providing a secure water supply for regional areas, regional tourism facilities and growing local economies.
Fixing Country Roads
The Fixing Country Roads program helps to fund projects that better connect local and regional roads to state highways and key freight hubs, such as silos, sale yards, rail lines, supermarket distribution centres, industrial parks and depots. Fixing Country Roads is a $543 million NSW Government program providing targeted infrastructure funding from Restart NSW for regional freight projects. Applications for truck wash facilities can also be made through Fixing Country Roads. Local councils can apply to repair and upgrade local and regional roads to facilitate the movement of freight, to key freight hubs and state roads. If your team is working on road repair and maintenance projects in country and regional NSW, Jaybro can help with fast and efficient freight of all your necessary consumables, safety gear, traffic control supplies and tools to ensure you can get the job done on time and on budget.
Safe and Secure Water Program
Safe and Secure Water is a $1 billion fund securing water supply and sewerage services for NSW regional communities. The program helps by providing funding to local councils, water utilities, water corporations and dam owners who have planned construction activities for the local water network. This includes projects such as installing, replacing or decommissioning water and sewerage infrastructure, augmenting dams, pipeline and bore works, along with projects designed to improve water efficiency. The government support for these kinds of projects is welcomed by water infrastructure contractors. Many of our customers are seeing a strong pipeline of future jobs both in metro and regional areas. If your team is working on pipeline projects, drainage, stormwater, sewerage or other water infrastructure jobs in regional NSW, Jaybro’s drainage division team are here to support you in meeting the project deliverables. With a comprehensive range of products and services for the water infrastructure sector, we can supply NSW RMS spec drainage products, including pits, grates and stormwater components, precast concrete pipe and a wide range of associated supplies and geosynthetics for civil contractors. Our team are skilled at managing complicated logistics and regional delivery and can provide advice and support on streamlining procurement for your project. The full list of projects that are underway and have funding announced can be found here.
Do you need supplies for your next civil project?
Jaybro is a leader in the supply of consumables, safety equipment and capital items such as barriers and fencing to the civil construction and infrastructure sectors. With a wealth of experience on high profile projects such as Westconnex and Sydney Metro as well as supplying to a range of regional projects, we can help you get the job done without hassles. With supply hubs in Sydney, Newcastle and interstate, we can coordinate logistics to get your orders delivered quickly and efficiently. Contact our friendly Sydney team for help and advice on your next project.